Three teal hearts fanned out: Heartspace Homeroom logo

Heartspace Homeroom




Living Yoga

Empowering Educators

Hi! I'm Kendra, and I am here to help burnt out educators live into their passion while maintaining healthy balance and changing the education system as we know it. How? Through holistic yoga.

The fact that you are here right now tells me that you are an educator searching for something more--maybe healthy boundaries? Reignited fire for teaching? Connection to self and community?

Honesty time: I was once completely burned out as a teacher. I nearly quit the profession entirely (and it would have been okay if I had!). Through yoga that was so much more than a workout, I created a lifestyle that allowed me to be everything I wanted and needed: healthy, happy, passionate, respected, and creative. I then trained to be a yoga teacher myself and now create resources for educators to directly benefit from holistic yoga like I did.

Check out some of my resources on TPT and connect with me through Instagram or TikTok! I'd love to hear from you!

Yoga teacher with long brown hair, white skin, black cat eye glasses, and blue sweater stands casually in a doorway with a lavender wreath as though to welcome you in.


Colorful and growing miniature succulent plants as though to signify growth through a yoga practice


IRL Saturday ​Asana​

A fat white woman in a blue shirt and teal mesh leggings is demonstrating child's pose or balasana using a yoga block underneath her forehead. In the background are many large green leafy plants, a stool, a grand piano, and other yoga props

1-1 Asana Class

The hand of a black woman is in the chin mudra and resting on her knee to show her practicing meditation and mindfulness

TPT ​Resources

Silhouette of person writing


The Heartspace Homeroom logo says Wellness for educators by educators
underneath fanned teal hearts
Living yoga. Empowering educators.

Let's Stay in Touch!
